Atelier de restauration, INP, 2022

Study periods in the restorers' department

International students can enrol in the heritage conservator-restorer course by applying in the context of the Erasmus + agreement or the Swiss European Mobility Programme (SEMP).

Students staying for study periods that last a full semester during the academic year are allowed to take part in courses and field schools in the seven specialities taught in the Department of conservators-restorers - Earthenware, Glassware, Metal, Ceramics; Graphic Arts and Books; Textile Arts, Furniture; Painting; Sculpture; Photography and Digital Imaging - according to a programme drawn up for each student by the Director of Studies and the teacher responsible for the speciality concerned, depending on the applicant's level of training.

Students may be accepted in the 1st year from September to January (semester 1) or from February to July (semester 2), in the 2nd year from September to January (semester 3) or from February to July (semester 4), in the 3rd year from February to July (semester 6) and in the 4th year from September to January (semester 7).

Atelier de restauration des arts textiles, INP, photo d'Angèle Dequier

The Department of conservators-restorers welcomes students who are currently studying at equivalent institutions. Their study period is validated as part of their original course under an agreement between the two establishments.

The requirements are as follows

  • to have a level of knowledge in the field of restoration that is comparable to that of student conservator-restorers,
  • be able to follow courses, lectures and meetings in French without difficulty (minimum B2 level to be proven),
  • to have sufficient financial resources to cover the costs of their stay (accommodation, transport, etc.).

A detailed certificate may be issued after the study period, but this does not count as a diploma.

Examinations are held at the end of each semester, allowing European students to validate the ECTS acquired. At the end of the study period, students are expected to submit a short written report on their time at the Institut national du patrimoine.

The ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) facilitates academic recognition of periods of study abroad and of diplomas from different European Union countries. ECTS credits take the form of a numerical value assigned to each course unit. They express the amount of work each course unit requires in relation to the overall amount of work needed to complete a full year of study at the institution.

Applications must be completed in full and sent by e-mail to or by post to the following address Olivier Zeder, Directeur des Etudes - Département des Restaurateurs - Institut National du Patrimoine - 124, rue Henri Barbusse, 93300 Aubervilliers


The library

With more than 70,000 references at their disposal, researchers can consult 30,000 literary works, 35,000 articles, 500 periodical titles, 2,000