Since 2010, the Institut national du patrimoine has been involved in the training of museum professionals and the project to create the Louvre Abu Dhabi. For this, the Institute collaborates with Agence France Museum, which is responsible for cooperation with Emirati institutions, and with Inp’s usual partners (Ecole du Louvre, Ecole de Chaillot, ENSSIB, etc.), who participate according to their areas of expertise.
Quelques dates
February 2024: inauguration of the MuseoPro program in the presence of Rachida Dati, Minister of Culture, H.E. Mohamed Khalifa Al Mubarak, Chairman of the DCT, H.E. Saood Abdulaziz Al Hosani, Undersecretary of the DCT, Hervé Barbaret, Managing Director of France Muséums and Charles Personnaz, Director of Inp.
2023: participation in the academic and educational aspects of an innovative training programme for professionals from the Abu Dhabi Department of Culture and Tourism, including future employees of the new museums. The two-year programme is due to start in 2024 and will cover the fundamentals needed for the entire museum ecosystem, as well as professional skills and specialisations.
The Inp is working with its international network to support this project, and in partnership with other French institutions.
Since 2021: curatorial students are hosted at the Louvre Abu Dhabi or at France Museum during their internship abroad.
The training programme
The training programme is characterised by a tailor-made and adaptive teaching approach, combining theoretical and practical courses, operational workshops, and peer exchanges, between mid-February 2024 and June 2025.
It is organised in two training curricula, the first covering the fundamentals and the second specialising in the professional training needs of the staff of the Abu Dhabi Department of Culture and Tourism (DCT).